Xin Wang was borne 12th September 1983 in Dongliao, Liaoyuan, China, and studied Preventive Medicine at The Fourth Military Medical University, China. In 2007, he finished his undergraduate course with the thesis on the molecular nutrition subject "Biological Progress in Phytosterol". In 2010, he got postgraduates’ degree with the thesis on the Hygiene Toxicology subject “The Genetic Sensitivity of Insulin Resistance and The Expression and Regulation of Related Signals". In 2012, he got doctoral degree with the thesis on the Hygiene Toxicology subject "Mechanism on the regulation and intervention of ROS-induced disorder of insulin secretion and action". Following two years of lecturer in Department of Military Toxicology at The Fourth Military Medical University, he was nominated as vice director of Department of Military Toxicology. The postgraduates’ and doctoral thesis were rated as "Excellent master's Dissertation of PLA" and "Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Shaanxi Province", respectively. As first author or corresponding author, he has published 15 papers which have been cited more than 300 times. He has been invited to attend and speak in various academic conferences. In 2011-2013, he obtained the "Trainee Award" in the 13th International Congress of Toxicology, the "Outstanding Report of Youth" in the 13th Congress of China Biophysics Society, the "Outstanding Paper of Youth" in the 16th Congress of China Environmental Mutagen Society, the "Outstanding Paper" in the First Congress of China Society of Biological Effect of ROS, the Third Prize of Scientific and Technological Contributions of FMMU in 2014, and the "Excellent Postgraduate" in the Fourth Military Medical University. He obtained a patent "The application of OA and RA combination in the treatment of insulin resistance and diabetes” authorized by the Intellectual Property Office of P.R. China. He obtained four grants from Natural Science Foundation of China, Natural Science Foundation of China PLA, Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi China and Doctoral Dissertation of Fourth Military Medical University. He was member of Committee of Biological Effects of ROS, China Environmental Mutagen Society, Youth Committee of China Toxicology Society, Committee of Free Radical Biology and Medicine, China Biophysical Society, and Youth Committee of Trace Elements, Shaanxi Medical Association, and was Vice Executive Secretary of Shaanxi Toxicology Society.
1. Biological effect and mechanism of redox regulation.
2. Mechanism and intervention of type 2 diabetes
3. Role of genetic and environmental factors in the pathogenesis of obesity
4. Role of ROS in cancer development and cellular malignant transformation