Antonio SCOPA
Associate Professor
Department of Agricultural Chemistry
School of Agriculture, Forestry, Food and Environmental Sciences
University of Basilicata
Potenza, Italy
Prof. Antonio Scopa is Doctor in Industrial Chemistry. Associate Professor of Agricultural Chemistry at Basilicata University, Potenza, Italy. He is interested in the adaptation of plants to abiotic stresses, such as electricity and UV radiation, soil chemistry, soil microbial biomass, fate of xenobiotics in the environment.
Settori ERC:
LS9_5 Agriculture related to crop production, soil biology and cultivation, applied plant biology;
LS1_2 General biochemistry and metabolism;
LS8_4 Biodiversity, comparative biology.

Research topics:
Soil chemistry;
Soil – remediation;
Effects of biotic and abiotic stresses on soil and plant
Pesticide chemistry and photochemistry;
Chemistry of natural substances in vegetables and soil;
Fate of xenobiotics in the environment and in particular on soil microbial biomass and biochemistry

Aoxue Wang
Professor and Dean
College of Life Sciences
Northeast Agricultural University
PR China
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I am interested in molecular and cell biology of the tomato development, and the application of biotechnologies to improve tomato quality and productivity. Our ongoing researches aim at solving the following biological issues: (1) the molecular basis of the important traits during tomato growth and development such as vivipary, trichome formation, male sterility, etc.; (2) the mechanisms of plant cold tolerance with emphasis on gene regulation during cold stress and tolerance; and (3) the biological control of the tomato diseases. We are also constructing transgenic tomato to enrich its nutritional contents and enhance its resistance to biotic and abiotic stress.

Christian Agyare
Department of Pharmaceutics
Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
Kumasi, Ghana
Dr. Christian Agyare obtained his doctorate (PhD) from University of Muenster, Germany. He has beena post-doctoral fellow at University of California San Francisco, California and the Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research, Boston, USA. He was appointed a Lecturer at KNUST in 2003 and promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2011. He isan External Examiner at Department of Pharmacy and Complementary Medicine, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya. He has more than 40 publications in peer-review journals, 40articles published in conference proceedings and hasco-authored two bookchapters.He is a reviewer of 25 peer-review journals and an editorial member for 5International Journals. He isamember of Board of Directors of Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research. He is a Pharmacist and Chairman of Academic, Social and Research Pharmacists’ Associationand a member of National Governing Board of Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana. He is amember of Global Young Academy (GYA) and Membership Selection Committee of GYAsince 2012.
1. Search for antimicrobial agents from medicinal plants and natural products.
2. Wound healing agents from medicinal plants and natural products
3. Antibiotic resistance in humans and animals

Dan Yan
Associate Professor
Beijing Shijitan Hospital
Capital Medical University
Dan Yan Ph.D. Beijing Shijitan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100038, China

Personal Data:
Date of Birth: Oct, 1975
Place of Birth: China
Marital Status: Married
Professional Title: Associate Professor.

Main research interests:
Quality evaluation: bioassay of natural products:
The quality of a medicine provides an important foundation for its clinical efficacy. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs that contain specific active constituents and exhibit clear dose-dependent effects, natural products (e.g. herbal medicines) are prepared from complex organisms that contain multiple active constituents that act additively to elicit effects that greater than those of the individual components. Therefore, the content detection of individual constituent is hard to control the quality of natural products. We propose a useful strategy that the bioassay (antiviral activity, anti-tumor activity et al.) is apply to quality evaluation of natural products, which lead to the correlation between the quality standard and clinical efficacy.
Drug discovery: lead compounds with antitumor and antidepressant effects:
Some constituents (e.g. ginsenosides, berberine) form natural remedies are hard to be absorbed into the blood stream, but they have significant biological activities. A growing body of evidence suggests that the intestinal flora disturbance is closely related with the developments of the tumor (e.g. hepatocellular carcinoma) and mental illness (e.g. depressant). Based on the above biological evaluation, we propose that non-absorbed constituents as lead compounds are discovered and developed for antitumor and antidepressant effects.

Education background
2004–2007 Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ph.D.
2001-2004 Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, M.S.
1994-1998 Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, B.S.

Postdoctoral Training
2012-2013 Postdoctoral training in Cell Biology. Academy of Military Medical Sciences

Academic Committees Served
2013-2017 Council member, Committee of Evaluation of Postmarketing Chinese Medicines of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies.
2012-2015 Committee member, Ecological Society of China
2011-2014 Peer reviewer, National Natural Science Foundation of China

Research Program
The National Excellent Youth Scholars Science Foundation of China
The National Natural Science Foundation of China
Quality evaluation: bioassay of natural products
Drug discovery: lead compounds with antitumor and antidepressant effects

Fatemeh Nejatzadeh Barandoozi
Department of Horticulture
Faculty of Agriculture
Azad Islamiz University of Khoy
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1. Evaluation of genetic diversity in Aloe vera accessions from Iran based on agro-morphological, phytochemical, cytogenetical and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers
2. Measurement of Nitrate and Nitrite levels in fresh Leek and Spinach and the effect of cooking
3. Effectiveness of Phytoremediation Technologies to Clean Up of Metalloids Using Three Plant Species in Iran
4. The effect of gibberellins on russeting in golden delicious apples in Urmia region

Miklas Scholz
Chair and Head
Civil Engineering Research Group
School of Computing, Science and Engineering
The University of Salford
Prof. Miklas Scholz, canding, BEng (equiv), PgC, MSc, PhD, CWEM, CEnv, CSci, CEng, FHEA, FIEMA, FCIWEM, FICE, Fellow of IWA holds the Chair in Civil Engineering at The University of Salford. He is the Head of the Civil Engineering Research Group. Prof. Scholz has shown individual excellence evidenced by world-leading publications. About 46% and 45% of his research is in water resources management and wastewater treatment, respectively. He has published three books and 176 journal articles. Between 2009 and 2013, he topped the publication list in terms of numbers for all members of staff at The University of Salford. Prof.Scholz’s full journal article publications in recent years are as follows: 2009 (13), 2010 (19), 2011 (13), 2012 (21), 2013 (17) and 2014 (15). Prof. Scholz has total citations of more than 2845 (above 2122 citations since 2010), resulting in anh-index of 28 and an i10-Index of 64.
Decision support systems, Integrated constructed wetland, Permeable pavement, Storm water, Sustainable drainage system, Sustainable flood retention basin Treatment wetland, Wastewater treatment, Water resources management

Nidhi Rawat
Gulf Coast Research and Education Center
University of Florida
• 10 years of combined applied research experience in Molecular Plant Biology, Plant Genetics and Biotechnology
• Conducted 27 greenhouse trials during Ph.D. and Postdoctoral research
• Research experience in different field; (human, insect and plants) worked for hypertension lab and coronary heart disease in human for MS thesis, silkworm Eco-race identification during research fellow and plant-pathogen interaction during Ph.D.
• Certified hands on experience in isolating novel EST-SSR from the unknown varieties, Real Time PCR experiments and proteomics studies like MALDI-TOF and iTRAQ
• Skilled in plant-insect interaction at molecular level, good with proteomics and transcriptomics studies through planning new experiments, sampling, Real Time PCR and statistical analysis
• Published 11 peer reviewed journal articles (6 articles as first author and 4 article as second author) , 10 conference proceedings/abstracts, 3 NCBI gene submission contribution and 2 theses
• Extensively used high throughout sequencing technology like microarray and SSH cDNA library screening for identification of candidate genes and Molecular markers such as SSR and EST-SSR for pathogen race identification
• Mentored lab assistants and graduate students for their MS Project and thesis.
Molecular Plant Biology, Plant Genetics and Biotechnology

Simon Bernard Iloki Assanga
Head of Laboratorio de Investigaciones en Bioactivos y Alimentos Funcionales(LIBAF)
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Pharmacology, Immunology and Molecular Biology

Wei Hu
Associate Professor
Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Resources of Tropical Crops
Institute of Tropical Bioscience and Biotechnology
Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences
PR China
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Plant science, plant molecular biology, plant physiology Plant abiotic stresses, plant hormone Functional genomics

Emilia L. Apostolova
Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
I was born in Sofia, Bulgaria. I graduated master degree in Biochemistry and Microbiology, Sofia University "Sv. Kl. Ohridski", Faculty of Biology. Since 1980 I work in Institute of Biophysics (now Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering) Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. In 1988 defended PhD thesis. From 2012 to now I am Professor in the Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering. I have published over 80 scientific publications and have participated in the development of over 20 international and national research projects, of which I was Project Leader of 10. I was a Supervisor of two PhD students, which successfully defended your PhD thesis and now I am a Supervisor of three PhD students.
Mechanisms of the light-induced energy transduction in photosynthetic membranes; role of the structural organization of pigment-protein complexes, lipid composition and physicochemical properties of thylakoid membranes for the effectiveness of primary photosynthetic processes; role of lipid-protein interactions in response of photosynthetic organisms to environmental changes; abiotic stress; development of biosensors using photosynthetic membranes.

Jianqiu Han Professor Department of Ecology Technology and Engineering Shanghai Institute of Technology Shanghai China
9/2005-7/2008 Shandong Agricultural University, Shandong, China, Ph.D. in landscape plants taxonomy
9/1988-7/1992 Shandong Agricultural University, Shandong, China, B.S. in Forestry

Professional Experience:
7/2008- Professor at Shanghai Institute of Technology
5/1996- 8/2005 Garden management center at Zaozhuang
7/1992-4/1996 Zaozhuang Agriculture
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Mahbod Sahebi
Laboratory of Plantation Crops
Institute of Tropical Agriculture
Universiti Putra Malaysia
I am mahbod Sahebi, holding PhD degree in plant biotechnology from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). Already I am working as postdoc at the Institute of Tropical Agriculture, UPM university, Malaysia. My field of interest: gene transformation, model plants such as Arabidopsis thaliana, functional studies of novel genes, review articles in plant biotechnology field, tissue culture of plants, screening
Mahbod Sahebiof interest: gene transformation, model plants such as Arabidopsis thaliana, functional studies of novel genes, review articles in plant biotechnology field, tissue culture of plants, screening.

Mohammed Ali Ahmed Saeed
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
Pulau Pinang
Personal data:
Name : Mohammad Ali Ahmad Saeed
Date of birth : 1st May 1979
Marital Status : Married
Nationality : Yemeni

- Currently PhD student (Pharmaceutical Chemistry), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang, Malaysia.
- M.Sc in Pharmacy (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) 2013, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang, Malaysia.
- B.Sc in Pharmacy, 2004, University of Science and Technology, Sana’a , Yemen.

- Gold medal in BioInnovation Expo, held on 17-19 Nov. 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Gold medal in Malaysia Technology Expo, held on 20-22 Feb. 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Appreciation certificate, 2002, University of Science and Technology, Yemen.

Professional experience:
- Research assistant at School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (2010-2013).
- Head of Diploma of Pharmacy department at University of Science & Technology, Yemen (2006-2010).
- Field work as Researcher Assistantat at University of Science & Technology, Yemen ( 2004-2010).
- Teaching practical classes of the following courses (2004-2010) at Pharmacy College, University of Science & Technology, Yemen: Pharmaceutical chemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics,Phytochemistry, and Pharmacognosy.
- Assisting in practical classes of pharmaceutical chemistry (2010-2012) at School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia. - Field work in many private pharmacies in Yemen.
Pharmaceutical chemistry, Pharmaceutics,Phytochemistry, and Pharmacognosy.

Zhengguo LI
Professor and Vice-Dean
School of Life Sciences
Chongqing University
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Plant developmental biology; Plant hormone signal transduction; Storage of fruits and vegetables Food Security

Giacomo Al Gerosa
Ecology and Atmospheric Physics
Catholic University of SH
Master degree Environmental Sciences (1997), PhD Agriculture Ecology (2002).
Researcher of Agricultural Chemistry (2006-2014), Professor of Ecology and Atmospheric Physics (2015-) at the Catholic University of the S.H., Brescia (Italy). The main research interests are gaseous exchange between vegetation and atmosphere ad air pollution effects on vegetation, with particular regard to ozone and nitrogen oxides.
Photosynthesis and physiological modelling are also areas of active interest.
The main research interests are gaseous exchange between vegetation and atmosphere ad air pollution effects on vegetation, with particular regard to ozone and nitrogen oxides.
Photosynthesis and physiological modelling are also areas of active interest.

Photo P. Trifilò
Assistant Professor
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
University of Messina
Patrizia Trifilò is Associate Professor of Plant Physiology at University of Messina, Italy. She received a Ph.D. in Plant Ecophysiology at University of Reggio Calabria, Italy in 2007. She has worked at University of Trieste. Professor Trifilò has investigated long distance water transport and its dysfunction (xylem cavitation), refilling of embolized xylem conduits; ion-mediated changes of hydraulic conductance; xylem anatomy; plant hydraulic architecture and its correlations to gas exchange rates; plant responses to drought stress; ecophysiology of Mediterranean woody plants.
Long distance water transport and its dysfunction (xylem cavitation), refilling of embolized xylem conduits; ion-mediated changes of hydraulic conductance; xylem anatomy; plant hydraulic architecture and its correlations to gas exchange rates; plant responses to drought stress; ecophysiology of Mediterranean woody plants.

Peter Biely
The Institute of Chemistry
Slovak Academy of Sciences
RNDr. Peter Biely, DrSc. is a biochemist and research professor from the Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, Slovakia. He graduated from the Comenius University in Bratislava in 1963, obtained PhD degree from the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (1968), served as postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard Medical School in Boston (1968-1968) and was awarded DrSc degree in 1990. Dr. Biely is internationally well recognized based on his contribution to the area of microbial degradation of plant biomass. He published 215 papers and chapters, has several successful patents and 6300 citations. He was a principal investigator of many projects and supervised 10 postgraduate students. As one of the foremost and most cited researchers in his country, he received number of national awards, e.g. Meritorious Inventor of Czechoslovakia 1989, Golden Medal of the Slovak Academy of Sciences 2001, Slovak Scientist of the Year 2003 and Order of Ludovit Stur from the President of the Slovak Republic 2011. He was a recipient of fellowships from OECD, JSPS, USDA and many academic institutions from all over the world where he served as a Visiting Professor or a Lecturer at biotechnology courses. In 2015, at the 37th Symposium on Biotyechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, he became a recipient of the Charles D. Scott Award for distinguished contributions to the field of biotechnology for production of fuels and chemicals.
Plant Biochemistry
Plant Biotechnology
Plant Health
Biotechnology for production of fuels and chemicals.

Yushuang Guo
Key Laboratory of Molecular Genetics
China National Tobacco Corporation
Guizhou Institute of Tobacco Science
PR China
Zhejiang University(ZJU)
Ph.D. in biochemistry and molecular biology, June 2010
Dissertation: "Isolation and functional analysis of tomato glutaredoxinSlGRX1"

Northeast Agricultural University (NEAU)
M.A. in Botany, June 2007
Master’s Thesis: "Study on Resistance Identification of Transgenic Soybean Harboring chi and rip Double Gene and Their Mid-experiment"
B.A. Plant protection, June 2004
Honors Thesis: "Resistance identification of RIP gene Transformed rice to Rice Blast (Pyriculariaoryzae ) and Rice Brown Spot (Bipolarisoryzae)".
1. Plant molecular biology including gene isolation and functional analysis, plant expression vector construction and genetic transformation, plant new miRNA identification by deep sequencing.
2. Plant molecular virology including molecular identification new virus, virus induced gene silencing (VIGS) in tomato and tobacco.

Asif Ahmad
Associate Professor
Department of Food Technology,
PMAS- Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi
Dr. Asif Ahmad holds a PhD degree in Food Technology and have vast teaching and research experience in discipline of Agriculture, Food science and Nutrition. He has international research experience while working in USDA labs, OARDC and Ohio state university in USA.He is member of many scholastic societies working in field of Food Science and Nutrition. He is author of two books, four book chapters and more than 45 Research articles. His research on agricultural crops for extraction of bioactive compounds and dietary fiber has published in international journals of repute. He devised some low cost techniques for extraction of dietary fibers using indigenous resources. On his credit, there are several National and international awards including prestigious Fulbright postdoc fellowship. Currently, he is working as Associate professor (Food technology) with PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
Plant science, dietary fiber, bioactive compounds from plants, nutrients chemistry

Arezou Rezaei
Assistant Professor
Cellular and Molecular Biology Department
School of Biology
Damghan University
I was born in 1975. I got my BSc and MSc degrees on Cell. and Mol. biology in 1997 and 2000, respectively. The subject of my MSc thesis was “The comparison of plasmids and the study of pectinase enzymes from Yersinia enterocolitica isolates from human and chicken”. I got my PhD degree on biochemistry in 2008 from University of Tehran, Iran. Results of my research was published in Hepatol Res. 2008 Dec;38(12):1252-63 entitelled “The effects of N-acetylcysteine on the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-2 in hepatic fibrosis in bile duct ligated rats.”. I have been assistant professor of Damghan University from 2008. However, I have been away for two years (2012-2014) after giving birth to my daughter. It is clear from my CV that I have a spectrum of interests, although I do my best to find the most suitable area of research regarding to some limitations such as budgets.
Gene expression
Effects of oxidative and nitrosative stress on disease
Stem cells
Herbal research