Antonio Eduardo de Aquino Junior
Center for Optics and Photonics (CEPOF)
University of São Paulo
Antonio Eduardo de Aquino Junior
Born in São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil.
Age: 36 years old.
Graduation in Physical Education from the Federal University of São Carlos (2004 / 2007); Specialist in Exercise Physiology from the Federal University of São Carlos (2007); Master’s Degree in Biotechnology from the Federal University of São Carlos (2012); PhD in Biotechnology from the Federal University of São Carlos (2015). Member of the Center for Optics and Photonics (CEPOF), University of São Paulo. Member of the Optics Group of the Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo. Experience in training of team sports, experimental and clinical research, research methodology, biostatistics, biochemistry and obesity, phototherapy and biotechnology. Responsible for the research line "Exercise Association and phototherapy for the treatment of obesity".
Experience in training of team sports, experimental and clinical research, research methodology, biostatistics, biochemistry and obesity, phototherapy and biotechnology. Responsible for the research line "Exercise Association and phototherapy for the treatment of obesity".

Boniface Ikenna Eze
Department of Ophthalmology
University of Nigeria
Dr. Boniface Ikenna Eze is a senior lecturer at the Department of Ophthalmology, University of Nigeria, and director of postgraduate training programme in ophthalmology, University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital.
Academic contributions: numerous scholarly scientific articles and conference presentations; book chapters in mainstream text.
Peer Reviewer positions: American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Nigerian Journal of Medicine, Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research, Annals of Nigerian Medicine, Oman Medical Journal, Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology, Saudi Medical Journal, Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine, Journal Clinical Ophthalmology Research, Human Resources for Health, British Journal of Medicine Medical Research, International Journal of Ophthalmology, Journal of Health care for the poor and underserved, BMC Ophthalmology & Clinics.
Editorial Positions: British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research, American Journal of Ocular Diseases and Therapeutics, International Journal of Ophthalmology, International Journal of Ophthalmology and Eye Science, Nigerian Journal of Medicine, Aperito Journal of Ophthalmology.
Vitreo-retinal diseases, Evidence-based eye care, Resources for eye care delivery, Medical education, E-learning.

Çagdas Can
Emergency Department
Manisa Merkezefendi State Hospital
My name is Çagdas Can. I am Emergency Medicine Specialist. I have studied and finished Dokuz Eylul University Hospital Emergency Medicine Residency between 2006-2011 and now I am working at Merkezefendi State Hospital, Emergency Department, chief position. I have a special interest about wilderness environmental medicine and also prehospital emergency care systems
• Prehospital Emergency Care
• Wilderness Environmental Medicine

Josep A Tur
Department of Physiology
University of the Balearics Islands (UIB)
Born in Palma de Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Spain, 1957). Degree (1979) and PhD (1983) in Pharmacy at the University of Barcelona, Spain. Professor of Physiology at the University of the Balearics Islands (UIB), Director: Research Group on Community Nutrition and Oxidative Stress UIB & CIBEROBN (Physiopathology of Obesity & Nutrition) of Carlos III Institute of Health, and Department of Fundamental Biology and Health Sciences UIB. Academician: Catalonia’s Royal Academy of Pharmacy (2004) and Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Food Sciences (Founder, 2009). Member: United Nations Standing Committee on Nutrition (2006), Governing Board of Balearic Islands College of Pharmacists and Scientific Committee of Food Board of the Council of Spanish Colleges of Pharmacists (2009), Balearic Islands’ Regional Food Security Council (2014), Scientific Committee of Spanish Agency of Consumption, Food Safety and Nutrition (Spanish Ministry of Health) (2015). Editor: Declaration of the Mediterranean Diet as UNESCO’s Intangible Heritage of Humanity (2010).
Community nutrition, obesity, metabolic syndrome, oxidative stress, antioxidants, healthy lifestyle, Mediterranean diet.

Santhosh Sampath
Institute of Nuclear Imaging and Molecular Medicine
TamilNadu Government Multi Super Specialty Hospital
This Section will be Updated Soon...!
A) Role of FDG-PET/CT:
i) In the characterization of pancreatic lesions in areas of high incidenceof pancreatic tuberculosis.
ii) In the detection and prognostification of recurrent pancreatic carcinoma
iii) Management of Takayasu arteritis

B) General nuclear medicine:
i) HIDA scan in the evaluation of Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction
ii) MUGA-SPECT in the diagnosis and follow-up of dilated Cardiomyopathy especially with repect to RVEF and evaluation of dyssnchrony.
iii) Easy diagnosis of CRPS with three phase bone scan.
iv) Factors of MPI affecting ejection fraction recovery following revascularization.

Serap Taskaya
Assistant Professor
Department of Health Care Management
Aksaray University
Serap TASKAYA was born in Mersin, Turkey in 1974. Firstly she finished Occupational Health College, Gazi University in Ankara, 1994 and studied on nursing. She received the B.E. degree in economics from the Çukurova University, Adana, 2001. For Master and PhD degree in health care management, she went to Hacettepe University, Ankara in 2009 and 2014, respectively.
In 1992-2004, because she graduated from Nursing High School, she started the work as a Nurse. Between 2004-2011, she worked at the Department Of Development Of Human Resources For Health in Ministry of Health in Turkey as a Technical Person. In 2011, she joined the Department of Health Care Management, Aksaray University, as a Lecturer, and in 2015 she became an Assist. Prof. Dr. At the same time, she is head of this department. She interested in health education, human resources for health, economics and research methods
Health education, human resources for health, economics and research methods

Toby Bressler
Nursing for Professional Practice
Maimonides Medical Center
Toby Bressler is a PhD candidate at Molloy College of Nursing. Her dissertation focuses on evidence-based policies for nursing education program planning and cultural diversity. Toby serves as Director of Nursing for Professional Practice at Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY. In this role she supports advancement of the nursing profession, development of the art and science of nursing and evidence-based practice within the organization through research, education and application of scholarship. She leads the implementation of Relationship-based Care, a nursing care delivery model and assists in developing leadership in clinical staff. Toby has published 22 papers and 14 posters and has lectured extensively locally and nationally. In addition to her scholarship in nursing education and leadership, she has a strong interest in the experience of the acutely ill patient and family, especially in the oncology clinical area. She previously served as the patient care director for pediatric oncology and bone marrow transplant at Columbia University Medical Center. She is interested in developing policies related to family-centered care, promotion of palliative care within community settings and pediatric palliative care. Toby is a leading member of the education committee for the American Nurses Association- New York chapter, an advisory board member for schools of nursing, a clinical practicum advisor and mentor for graduate nursing students, and an abstract reviewer for the Sigma Theta Tau-Virginia Henderson Library. Nursing is Toby’s second career after a decade in early childhood education. She has received awards for exemplary leadership, academic excellence, community service.
She has a strong interest in the experience of the acutely ill patient and family, especially in the oncology clinical area.
She is interested in developing policies related to family-centered care, promotion of palliative care within community settings and pediatric palliative care.

Xianglong Xu
School of Public Health and Management
Research Center for Medicine and Social Development
The Innovation Center for Social Risk Governance in Health
Chongqing Medical University
Xianglong Xu is a master from Chongqing Medical University. He is an optimistic and hard-working young man who enjoys mutual communication and scientific research. In recent years, he has focused on Health behavior and Health promotion. He reviews manuscripts regularly for various international peer-review journals. He also got Travel Award in the 12th Asian Congress of Nutrition. So far, as first author, he has published more than 10 scientific articles.
Health behavior; Tobacco control; Health promotion; Health education; Nutrition; Social media and health.

Xuesong Yang
Division of Histology & Embryology
Medical College
Jinan University
PR China
Xuesong Yang is currently a professor in Division of Histology and Embryology, Medical College, Jinan University, China. He received his bachelor’s (MD) in clinical medicine from Harbin Medical University (1984), master’s degree in reproductive physiology from Harbin Medical University Division of Physiology (1987), and then started his overseas study in Japan (1991) after serving as an assistant professor in Harbin Medical University Medical College for two years. He received his doctorate in cell membrane physiology and neurosciences in Tokyo Medical and Dental University School of Medicine, Japan (1997). Next, I had worked on pancreas exocrinology as a postdoctoral research associate in University of Manchester for two years, and then moved to University of Dundee Wellcome Trust Center in 1999. Since then my research has mainly focused on developmental biology, specifically about "FGF, VEGF and PDGF signaling modulating mesoderm cell migration during chick embryo gastrulation". Part of the work has been published in Developmental Cell, PNAS, Current Biology and Development, Developmental Biology and Oncogene. Since being recruited as an professor in Jinan University Medical School (2008), China, I have been continuing to carry on the aforementioned project while I also extend my research interest into studying cancer cell metastasis, neural tube formation & heart formation, and vasculogenesis & angiogenesis in embryonic development and abnormal development using various chick embryo models. There are many works that have already been published or in submission in the new research fields (see the publication list).
My research has mainly focused on developmental biology, specifically about "FGF, VEGF and PDGF signaling modulating mesoderm cell migration during chick embryo gastrulation".
My research interest into studying cancer cell metastasis, neural tube formation & heart formation, and vasculogenesis & angiogenesis in embryonic development and abnormal development using various chick embryo models.

Yulin Li
Associate Professor
Engineering Research Centre for Biomedical Materials
Ministry of Education
East China University of Science and Technology
PR China
Dr. Yulin Li is an Associate Professor in Engineering Research Centre for Biomedical Materials of Ministry of Education at East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, People's Republic of China and he is also a visiting researcher at CQM, University of Madeira, Portugal. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Polymer Chemistry and Physics in 2005 from Chinese Academy of Sciences, People's Republic of China. Dr. Li started his first postdoctoral work on the topic of "Study of deformation mechanisms of polymer films via In Situ Atomic Force Microscopy" at Lille University of Science and Technology, France. In 2006, he moved to Biomaterials Centre, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan, and then to Department of Applied Chemistry, Kyushu University, Japan, as a postdoctoral researcher. He was appointed as an Assistant Researcher at Madeira Material and Chemistry Centre (CQM), University of Madeira, Portugal (2009 - 2014), under the scope of the program Science 2008 launched by FCT (Fundaçãopara a Ciência e a Tecnologia/Portuguese Science Foundation).
Research interests are involved in the exploration of continuous-fiber-reinforced resin materials for engineering applications, and development of biomimetic materials for bone regeneration and oncology.

Yuyang CAI
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong
Dr. Yuyang CAI is currently Research Associate in the Language Testing Unit in Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Yuyang had a PhD degree in language assessment, M.Ed. in English Language Education, and B. A. in English language and literature. Prior to his PhD study, he had seven years’ experience teaching English as a Foreign Language at tertiary level in mainland China. He was also chief-designer of the Medical English Test System, a large scale national project of China that attracted around 50,000 test takers each year. Yuyang’s broad interest of research covers language acquisition and assessment, metacognition and cognition, argumentation, critical thinking, academic writing, writing from sources, integrated writing assessment, large-scale assessment, psychometric models and advanced quantitative methods.
Language acquisition and assessment, metacognition and cognition, argumentation, critical thinking, academic writing, writing from sources, integrated writing assessment, large-scale assessment, psychometric models and advanced quantitative methods.

Bruna Brandão Velasques
School of Physical Education and Sports
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Prof. Ph.D. Bruna Velasques is psychologist (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 2005), Master in the Mental Health at Psychiatry Institute of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), 2009; PhD, Fellow note 10 FAPERJ, in Mental Health at the UFRJ, 2013; Post Doctor at the Institute of Psychiatry, and fellow CAPES / PNPD (2014). She is currently Professor of the School of Physical Education and Sports (EEFD/UFRJ), professor at the Master Program inn Physical Education (EEFD/UFRJ), and Master's and Doctoral Program of Psychiatry Institute of UFRJ. Visiting professor at the Graduate Course LatoSenso in Applied Neuroscience, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Has experience in Cognitive Psychology and Motor Control, with an emphasis on attention, Motor Learning and Neuroscience, acting on the following topics: cognitive psychology, electroencephalography, brain mapping, sensory-motor integration, perception and attention, the implicit learning and motor control.
Has experience in Cognitive Psychology and Motor Control, with an emphasis on attention, Motor Learning and Neuroscience, acting on the following topics: cognitive psychology, electroencephalography, brain mapping, sensory-motor integration, perception and attention, the implicit learning and motor control.

Sedigheh Bagheri Ziari
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
Sedigheh Bagheri Ziari received her Pharm.D in Pharmacy from Pharmaceutical Sciences Branch, Islamic Azad University (IAUPS) in 2014 and started his career in Drug design Department of Tofigh Drau Research& Engineering Company of Iran since 2014. Currently, Dr. Bagheri Ziari serves in Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences.
Biological and pharmacological effects of herbs and natural compounds, Isolation of active substances of plant and microbial, Therapeutic recombinant monoclonal antibodies: preparation and engineering, Nan biotechnology, bioinformatics.